


The GraphViz block provides access to the fabulous GraphViz software . The contents of the block should be a figure/graph in the dot language. The contents are rendered into svg using the dot program, which must be installed into the environment. Since graph data are required, only the delimited form of the block (starting with =begin/=end) will be used.

Simple example§

G main main parse parse main->parse init init main->init cleanup cleanup main->cleanup printf printf main->printf execute execute parse->execute make_string make_string execute->make_string execute->printf compare compare execute->compare init->make_string

This simple example is from the dot documentation, and included in a Rakudoc source as

=begin Graphviz :headlevel(2) :caption<Simple example>
    digraph G {
        main -> parse -> execute;
        main -> init;
        main -> cleanup;
        execute -> make_string;
        execute -> printf
        init -> make_string;
        main -> printf;
        execute -> compare;
=end Graphviz


The following are some great examples from's gallery . They show the possibilities of GraphViz software without any post-processing.

Cluster gradients§

G cluster_0 process #1 cluster_1 process #2 a0 a0 a1 a1 a0->a1 a2 a2 a1->a2 b3 b3 a1->b3 a3 a3 a2->a3 a3->a0 end end a3->end b0 b0 b1 b1 b0->b1 b2 b2 b1->b2 b2->a3 b2->b3 b3->end start start start->a0 start->b0

The diagram source is included in a Rakudoc source file as:

=begin Graphviz :headlevel(2) :caption<Cluster gradients>
digraph G {bgcolor="#0000FF44:#FF000044" gradientangle=90
    node [fontname="Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif"]
    edge [fontname="Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif"]

    subgraph cluster_0 {
        node [fillcolor="yellow:green" style=filled gradientangle=270] a0;
        node [fillcolor="lightgreen:red"] a1;
        node [fillcolor="lightskyblue:darkcyan"] a2;
        node [fillcolor="cyan:lightslateblue"] a3;

        a0 -> a1 -> a2 -> a3;
        label = "process #1";

    subgraph cluster_1 {
        node [fillcolor="yellow:magenta"
             style=filled gradientangle=270] b0;
        node [fillcolor="violet:darkcyan"] b1;
        node [fillcolor="peachpuff:red"] b2;
        node [fillcolor="mediumpurple:purple"] b3;

        b0 -> b1 -> b2 -> b3;
        label = "process #2";
    start -> a0;
    start -> b0;
    a1 -> b3;
    b2 -> a3;
    a3 -> a0;
    a3 -> end;
    b3 -> end;

    start [shape=Mdiamond ,
    end [shape=Msquare,
=end Graphviz

Neural network§

G 140087530674552 title: InputLayer input: output: [(?, ?)] [(?, ?)] 140087531105640 embedding_2: Embedding input: output: (?, ?) (?, ?, 64) 140087530674552->140087531105640 140087537895856 body: InputLayer input: output: [(?, ?)] [(?, ?)] 140087530711024 embedding_3: Embedding input: output: (?, ?) (?, ?, 64) 140087537895856->140087530711024 140087537980360 lstm_2: LSTM input: output: (?, ?, 64) (?, 128) 140087531105640->140087537980360 140087531256464 lstm_3: LSTM input: output: (?, ?, 64) (?, 32) 140087530711024->140087531256464 140087530348048 concatenate_1: Concatenate input: output: [(?, 128), (?, 32), (?, 12)] (?, 172) 140087537980360->140087530348048 140087531256464->140087530348048 140087531106200 tags: InputLayer input: output: [(?, 12)] [(?, 12)] 140087531106200->140087530348048 140087530347992 priority: Dense input: output: (?, 172) (?, 1) 140087530348048->140087530347992 140087530711304 department: Dense input: output: (?, 172) (?, 4) 140087530348048->140087530711304

The figure's source is included in a Rakudoc source file as:

=begin Graphviz :caption<Neural network> :headlevel(2)
digraph G {
node [fontname="Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif"]
edge [fontname="Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif"]
node [shape=record];
140087530674552 [label="title: InputLayer\n|{input:|output:}|{{[(?, ?)]}|{[(?, ?)]}}"];
140087537895856 [label="body: InputLayer\n|{input:|output:}|{{[(?, ?)]}|{[(?, ?)]}}"];
140087531105640 [label="embedding_2: Embedding\n|{input:|output:}|{{(?, ?)}|{(?, ?, 64)}}"];
140087530711024 [label="embedding_3: Embedding\n|{input:|output:}|{{(?, ?)}|{(?, ?, 64)}}"];
140087537980360 [label="lstm_2: LSTM\n|{input:|output:}|{{(?, ?, 64)}|{(?, 128)}}"];
140087531256464 [label="lstm_3: LSTM\n|{input:|output:}|{{(?, ?, 64)}|{(?, 32)}}"];
140087531106200 [label="tags: InputLayer\n|{input:|output:}|{{[(?, 12)]}|{[(?, 12)]}}"];
140087530348048 [label="concatenate_1: Concatenate\n|{input:|output:}|{{[(?, 128), (?, 32), (?, 12)]}|{(?, 172)}}"];
140087530347992 [label="priority: Dense\n|{input:|output:}|{{(?, 172)}|{(?, 1)}}"];
140087530711304 [label="department: Dense\n|{input:|output:}|{{(?, 172)}|{(?, 4)}}"];
140087530674552 -> 140087531105640;
140087537895856 -> 140087530711024;
140087531105640 -> 140087537980360;
140087530711024 -> 140087531256464;
140087537980360 -> 140087530348048;
140087531256464 -> 140087530348048;
140087531106200 -> 140087530348048;
140087530348048 -> 140087530347992;
140087530348048 -> 140087530711304;
=end Graphviz

Color wheel§

Color_wheel Color wheel, 33 colors. Neato layout darkred darkred center--darkred 0°/360° brown brown brown--center 30° olive olive olive--center 60° darkolivegreen darkolivegreen darkolivegreen--center 90° darkgreen darkgreen darkgreen--center 120° dark hue 0.416 dark hue 0.416 dark hue 0.416--center 150° darkcyan darkcyan darkcyan--center 180° dark hue 0.583 dark hue 0.583 dark hue 0.583--center 210° darkblue darkblue darkblue--center 240° dark hue 0.750 dark hue 0.750 dark hue 0.750--center 270° darkmagenta darkmagenta darkmagenta--center 300° dark hue 0.916 dark hue 0.916 dark hue 0.916--center 330° hue 0.083 hue 0.083 hue 0.083--brown hue 0.125 hue 0.125 hue 0.083--hue 0.125 hue 0.166 hue 0.166 hue 0.125--hue 0.166 hue 0.166--olive hue 0.208 hue 0.208 hue 0.166--hue 0.208 hue 0.250 hue 0.250 hue 0.208--hue 0.250 hue 0.250--darkolivegreen hue 0.291 hue 0.291 hue 0.250--hue 0.291 hue 0.333 hue 0.333 hue 0.291--hue 0.333 hue 0.333--darkgreen hue 0.375 hue 0.375 hue 0.333--hue 0.375 hue 0.416 hue 0.416 hue 0.375--hue 0.416 hue 0.416--dark hue 0.416 hue 0.458 hue 0.458 hue 0.416--hue 0.458 hue 0.500 hue 0.500 hue 0.458--hue 0.500 hue 0.500--darkcyan hue 0.541 hue 0.541 hue 0.500--hue 0.541 hue 0.583 hue 0.583 hue 0.541--hue 0.583 hue 0.000 hue 0.000 hue 0.000--darkred hue 0.041 hue 0.041 hue 0.000--hue 0.041 hue 0.041--hue 0.083 hue 0.583--dark hue 0.583 hue 0.625 hue 0.625 hue 0.583--hue 0.625 hue 0.666 hue 0.666 hue 0.625--hue 0.666 hue 0.666--darkblue hue 0.708 hue 0.708 hue 0.666--hue 0.708 hue 0.750 hue 0.750 hue 0.708--hue 0.750 hue 0.750--dark hue 0.750 hue 0.791 hue 0.791 hue 0.750--hue 0.791 hue 0.833 hue 0.833 hue 0.791--hue 0.833 hue 0.833--darkmagenta hue 0.875 hue 0.875 hue 0.833--hue 0.875 hue 0.916 hue 0.916 hue 0.875--hue 0.916 hue 0.916--dark hue 0.916 hue 0.958 hue 0.958 hue 0.916--hue 0.958 hue 0.958--hue 0.000 red red red--hue 0.000 orangered orangered orangered--red orange orange orange--hue 0.083 orange--orangered gold gold gold--hue 0.125 gold--orange yellow yellow yellow--hue 0.166 yellow--gold yellowgreen yellowgreen yellowgreen--hue 0.250 yellowgreen--yellow deeppink deeppink deeppink--hue 0.875 deeppink--hue 0.916 deeppink--red fuchsia fuchsia magenta fuchsia--hue 0.833 fuchsia--deeppink purple purple purple--hue 0.750 purple--hue 0.791 purple--fuchsia blue blue blue--hue 0.666 blue--purple cornflowerblue cornflowerblue cornflowerblue--hue 0.583 cornflowerblue--blue deepskyblue deepskyblue cornflowerblue--deepskyblue deepskyblue--hue 0.541 aqua aqua cyan deepskyblue--aqua aqua--hue 0.500 springgreen springgreen aqua--springgreen springgreen--hue 0.416 green green springgreen--green green--hue 0.333 green--yellowgreen pink pink pink--red lightyellow lightyellow lightyellow--yellow mediumpurple mediumpurple mediumpurple--purple violet violet violet--fuchsia hotpink hotpink hotpink--deeppink light hue 0.250 light hue 0.250 light hue 0.250--yellowgreen lightcyan lightcyan lightcyan--aqua lightslateblue lightslateblue lightslateblue--blue lightgreen lightgreen lightgreen--green lightskyblue lightskyblue lightskyblue--deepskyblue peachpuff peachpuff peachpuff--orange light hue 0.416 light hue 0.416 light hue 0.416--springgreen hue 0 tint hue 0 tint hue 0 tint--pink hue 0.041 tint hue 0.041 tint hue 0 tint--hue 0.041 tint hue 0.083 tint hue 0.083 tint hue 0.041 tint--hue 0.083 tint hue 0.083 tint--peachpuff hue 0.125 tint hue 0.125 tint hue 0.083 tint--hue 0.125 tint hue 0.166 tint hue 0.166 tint hue 0.125 tint--hue 0.166 tint hue 0.166 tint--lightyellow hue 0.208 tint hue 0.208 tint hue 0.166 tint--hue 0.208 tint hue 0.250 tint hue 0.250 tint hue 0.208 tint--hue 0.250 tint hue 0.250 tint--light hue 0.250 hue 0.291 tint hue 0.291 tint hue 0.250 tint--hue 0.291 tint hue 0.333 tint hue 0.333 tint hue 0.291 tint--hue 0.333 tint hue 0.333 tint--lightgreen hue 0.375 tint hue 0.375 tint hue 0.333 tint--hue 0.375 tint hue 0.416 tint hue 0.416 tint hue 0.375 tint--hue 0.416 tint hue 0.416 tint--light hue 0.416 hue 0.458 tint hue 0.458 tint hue 0.416 tint--hue 0.458 tint hue 0.5 tint hue 0.5 tint hue 0.458 tint--hue 0.5 tint hue 0.5 tint--lightcyan hue 0.541 tint hue 0.541 tint hue 0.5 tint--hue 0.541 tint hue 0.541 tint--lightskyblue hue 0.583 tint hue 0.583 tint hue 0.541 tint--hue 0.583 tint hue 0.625 tint hue 0.625 tint hue 0.583 tint--hue 0.625 tint hue 0.666 tint hue 0.666 tint hue 0.625 tint--hue 0.666 tint hue 0.666 tint--lightslateblue hue 0.708 tint hue 0.708 tint hue 0.666 tint--hue 0.708 tint hue 0.750 tint hue 0.750 tint hue 0.708 tint--hue 0.750 tint hue 0.750 tint--mediumpurple hue 0.791 tint hue 0.791 tint hue 0.750 tint--hue 0.791 tint hue 0.833 tint hue 0.833 tint hue 0.791 tint--hue 0.833 tint hue 0.833 tint--violet hue 0.875 tint hue 0.875 tint hue 0.833 tint--hue 0.875 tint hue 0.916 tint hue 0.916 tint hue 0.875 tint--hue 0.916 tint hue 0.916 tint--hotpink hue 0.958 tint hue 0.958 tint hue 0.916 tint--hue 0.958 tint hue 0.958 tint--hue 0 tint

The figure's source, with an extra graph/size option, is included in a Rakudoc source file as:

=begin Graphviz :caption<Color wheel> :headlevel(2)
graph Color_wheel {
    graph [
        layout = neato
        label = "Color wheel, 33 colors.\nNeato layout"
        labelloc = b
        fontname = "Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif"
        start = regular
        normalize = 0
    node [
        shape = circle
        style = filled
        color = "#00000088"
        fontname = "Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif"
    edge [
        len = 2.7
        color = "#00000088"
        fontname = "Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif"
    subgraph Dark {
        node [fontcolor = white width = 1.4]
        center [width = 1 style = invis shape = point]
        center -- darkred [label = "0°/360°"]
        darkred [fillcolor = darkred]
        brown [fillcolor = brown]
        brown -- center [label = "30°"]
        olive [fillcolor = olive]
        olive -- center [label = "60°"]
        darkolivegreen [fillcolor = darkolivegreen fontsize = 10]
        darkolivegreen -- center [label = "90°"]
        darkgreen [fillcolor = darkgreen]
        darkgreen -- center [label = "120°"]
        "dark hue 0.416" [color = ".416 1 .6" fontcolor = white]
        "dark hue 0.416" -- center [label = "150°"]
        darkcyan [fillcolor = darkcyan]
        darkcyan -- center [label = "180°"]
        "dark hue 0.583" [color = ".583 1 .6" fontcolor = white]
        "dark hue 0.583" -- center [label = "210°"]
        darkblue [fillcolor = darkblue]
        darkblue -- center [label = "240°"]
        "dark hue 0.750" [color = ".750 1 .6"]
        "dark hue 0.750" -- center [label = "270°"]
        darkmagenta [fillcolor = darkmagenta]
        darkmagenta -- center [label = "300°"]
        "dark hue 0.916" [color = ".916 1 .6"]
        "dark hue 0.916" -- center [label = "330°"]
    subgraph Tue {
        node [width = 1.3]
        "hue 0.083" -- brown
        "hue 0.083" [color = ".083 1 1"]
        "hue 0.125" [color = ".125 1 1"]
        "hue 0.166" -- olive
        "hue 0.166" [color = ".166 1 1"]
        "hue 0.208" [color = ".208 1 1"]
        "hue 0.250" -- darkolivegreen
        "hue 0.250" [color = ".250 1 1"]
        "hue 0.291" [color = ".291 1 1"]
        "hue 0.333" -- darkgreen
        "hue 0.333" [color = ".333 1 1"]
        "hue 0.375" [color = ".375 1 1"]
        "hue 0.416" -- "dark hue 0.416"
        "hue 0.416" [color = ".416 1 1"]
        "hue 0.458" [color = ".458 1 1"]
        "hue 0.500" -- darkcyan
        "hue 0.500" [color = ".500 1 1"]
        "hue 0.541" [color = ".541 1 1"]
        node [fontcolor = white]
        "hue 0.000" [color = ".000 1 1"]
        "hue 0.000" -- darkred
        "hue 0.041" [color = ".041 1 1"]
        "hue 0.583" -- "dark hue 0.583"
        "hue 0.583" [color = ".583 1 1"]
        "hue 0.625" [color = ".625 1 1"]
        "hue 0.666" -- darkblue
        "hue 0.666" [color = ".666 1 1"]
        "hue 0.708" [color = ".708 1 1"]
        "hue 0.750" -- "dark hue 0.750"
        "hue 0.750" [color = ".750 1 1"]
        "hue 0.791" [color = ".791 1 1"]
        "hue 0.833" -- darkmagenta
        "hue 0.833" [color = ".833 1 1"]
        "hue 0.875" [color = ".875 1 1"]
        "hue 0.916" -- "dark hue 0.916"
        "hue 0.916" [color = ".916 1 1"]
        "hue 0.958" [color = ".958 1 1"]
        edge [len = 1]
        "hue 0.000" -- "hue 0.041" -- "hue 0.083" -- "hue 0.125" -- "hue 0.166" -- "hue 0.208"
        "hue 0.208" -- "hue 0.250" -- "hue 0.291" -- "hue 0.333" -- "hue 0.375" -- "hue 0.416"
        "hue 0.416" -- "hue 0.458" -- "hue 0.500" --"hue 0.541" -- "hue 0.583" -- "hue 0.625"
        "hue 0.625" -- "hue 0.666" -- "hue 0.708" -- "hue 0.750" -- "hue 0.791" -- "hue 0.833"
        "hue 0.833" -- "hue 0.875" -- "hue 0.916" -- "hue 0.958" -- "hue 0.000"
    subgraph Main_colors {
        node [width = 2 fontsize = 20]
        red [fillcolor = red fontcolor = white]
        orangered [fillcolor = orangered]
        orange [fillcolor = orange]
        gold [fillcolor = gold]
        yellow [fillcolor = yellow]
        yellowgreen [fillcolor = yellowgreen]
        deeppink [fillcolor = deeppink fontcolor = white]
        fuchsia [label = "fuchsia\nmagenta" fillcolor = fuchsia fontcolor = white]
        purple [fillcolor = purple fontcolor = white]
        blue [fillcolor = blue fontcolor = white]
        cornflowerblue [fillcolor = cornflowerblue]
        deepskyblue [fillcolor = deepskyblue]
        aqua [fillcolor = aqua label = "aqua\ncyan"]
        springgreen [fillcolor = springgreen]
        green [fillcolor = green]
        purple -- fuchsia -- deeppink -- red
        cornflowerblue -- blue -- purple
        cornflowerblue -- deepskyblue -- aqua [len = 1.7]
        aqua -- springgreen -- green -- yellowgreen -- yellow
        yellow -- gold -- orange -- orangered -- red [len = 1.6]
        orange -- "hue 0.083"
        deeppink -- "hue 0.916"
        deeppink -- "hue 0.875"
        red -- "hue 0.000"
        yellowgreen -- "hue 0.250"
        blue -- "hue 0.666"
        yellow -- "hue 0.166"
        gold -- "hue 0.125"
        green -- "hue 0.333"
        springgreen -- "hue 0.416"
        aqua -- "hue 0.500"
        cornflowerblue -- "hue 0.583"
        deepskyblue -- "hue 0.541"
        purple -- "hue 0.791"
        purple -- "hue 0.750"
        fuchsia -- "hue 0.833"
    subgraph Light_colors {
        node [width = 2 fontsize = 20]
        node [shape = circle width = 1.8]
        edge [len = 2.1]
        pink [fillcolor = pink]
        pink -- red
        lightyellow [fillcolor = lightyellow]
        lightyellow -- yellow
        mediumpurple [fillcolor = mediumpurple]
        mediumpurple -- purple
        violet [fillcolor = violet]
        violet -- fuchsia
        hotpink [fillcolor = hotpink]
        hotpink -- deeppink
        "light hue 0.250" [color = ".250 .2 1"]
        "light hue 0.250" -- yellowgreen
        lightcyan [fillcolor = lightcyan]
        lightcyan -- aqua
        lightslateblue [fillcolor = lightslateblue]
        lightslateblue -- blue
        lightgreen [fillcolor = lightgreen]
        lightgreen -- green
        lightskyblue [fillcolor = lightskyblue]
        lightskyblue -- deepskyblue
        peachpuff [fillcolor = peachpuff]
        peachpuff -- orange
        "light hue 0.416" [color = ".416 .2 1"]
        "light hue 0.416" -- springgreen
    subgraph Tints {
        node [width = 1]
        edge [len = 2.4]
        "hue 0 tint" -- pink
        "hue 0 tint" [color = "0 .1 1"]
        "hue 0.041 tint" [color = ".041 .1 1"]
        "hue 0.083 tint" -- peachpuff
        "hue 0.083 tint" [color = ".083 .1 1"]
        "hue 0.125 tint" [color = ".125 .1 1"]
        "hue 0.166 tint" -- lightyellow
        "hue 0.166 tint" [color = ".166 .1 1"]
        "hue 0.208 tint" [color = ".208 .1 1"]
        "hue 0.250 tint" -- "light hue 0.250"
        "hue 0.250 tint" [color = ".250 .1 1"]
        "hue 0.291 tint" [color = ".291 .1 1"]
        "hue 0.333 tint" -- lightgreen
        "hue 0.333 tint" [color = ".333 .1 1"]
        "hue 0.375 tint" [color = ".375 .1 1"]
        "hue 0.416 tint" -- "light hue 0.416"
        "hue 0.416 tint" [color = ".416 .1 1"]
        "hue 0.458 tint" [color = ".458 .1 1"]
        "hue 0.5 tint" -- lightcyan
        "hue 0.5 tint" [color = ".5 .1 1"]
        "hue 0.541 tint" -- lightskyblue
        "hue 0.541 tint" [color = ".541 .1 1"]
        "hue 0.583 tint" [color = ".583 .1 1"]
        "hue 0.625 tint" [color = ".625 .1 1"]
        "hue 0.666 tint" -- lightslateblue
        "hue 0.666 tint" [color = ".666 .1 1"]
        "hue 0.708 tint" [color = ".708 .1 1"]
        "hue 0.750 tint" -- mediumpurple
        "hue 0.750 tint" [color = ".750 .1 1"]
        "hue 0.791 tint" [color = ".791 .1 1"]
        "hue 0.833 tint" -- violet
        "hue 0.833 tint" [color = ".833 .1 1"]
        "hue 0.875 tint" [color = ".875 .1 1"]
        "hue 0.916 tint" -- hotpink
        "hue 0.916 tint" [color = ".916 .1 1"]
        "hue 0.958 tint" [color = ".958 .1 1"]
        edge [len = 2]
        "hue 0 tint" -- "hue 0.041 tint" -- "hue 0.083 tint" -- "hue 0.125 tint" -- "hue 0.166 tint" -- "hue 0.208 tint"
        "hue 0.208 tint" -- "hue 0.250 tint" -- "hue 0.291 tint" -- "hue 0.333 tint" -- "hue 0.375 tint" -- "hue 0.416 tint"
        "hue 0.416 tint" -- "hue 0.458 tint" -- "hue 0.5 tint" --"hue 0.541 tint" -- "hue 0.583 tint" -- "hue 0.625 tint"
        "hue 0.625 tint" -- "hue 0.666 tint" -- "hue 0.708 tint" -- "hue 0.750 tint" -- "hue 0.791 tint" -- "hue 0.833 tint"
        "hue 0.833 tint" -- "hue 0.875 tint" -- "hue 0.916 tint" -- "hue 0.958 tint" -- "hue 0 tint"
    // © 2022 Costa Shulyupin, licensed under EPL
=end Graphviz


Richard Hainsworth aka finanalyst

Authors of dot coding for figures can be found at the links provided beneath each figure

